During the ups and downs of life’s journey, there are times when a person feels lonely, and the heart becomes sad. In this hour of difficulty, heart-touching Urdu quotes become a source of guidance that expresses inspiring wisdom and insight into the struggle of life in the form of golden words. These quotes provide direction to understand the reality of life. No matter how many challenges, difficulties, and difficult times you have gone through in life.

In addition, these heart-touching Urdu sayings often describe the beauty of love, the reality of life in pain, and sad moments in the best lines that reflect the deep thoughts of the unfortunate person reading them. They remind us of the enduring power of love and its ability to turn sad moments into progress. Many seek these quotes to connect with their feelings and share their experiences.

You can read or copy and paste these famous sayings and share them with your friends and family. You can also upload them to social media like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

"Silhouette of a woman sitting alone in a dim room."
“It was a pleasure to have those relationships with whom I died in life.”

تھا لطف جن سے زندگی میں پھر وہ تعلقات مر گئے

"Sad Urdu quote about relationships on a night sky background."
“Never push someone away so far that they learn to live without you.”

کسی کو خود سے اتنا دوربھی نہ کرو کہ
وہ تمہارے بغیر جینا ہی سیکھ جا ئے

"Sad Urdu quote about missed meetings on sunset background, emotional theme."
“If we didn’t meet, there was no way we could meet. We spent our lives wandering around the city.”

نہ ملا تو نہ ملاقات کی کوئی صورت نکلی
ہم نے عمر بھرتیرے شہر کے چکر کا ٹے

"Sad Urdu quote about life and love on ocean sunset background."
“And I will be haunted by this illusion for the rest of my life whether he loved me or not.”

اور مجھے ساری زندگی یہی وہم مارے گا کہ
اس کو مجھ سے محبت تھی یا نہیں

"Sad Urdu quote about life and love on a moonlit night."
“My life has been spent in strange colors. I have ruled over hearts and loved them with love.”

اپنی زندگی عجیب رنگ میں گزری ہے
راج کیا دلوں پہ اورمحبت کو تر سے

"Silhouette of a woman with sad Urdu quote about changing time."
“Time changes from time to time, but a person can change at any time.”\

وقت تو وقت پر بدلتا ہے
لیکن انسان کسی بھی وقت بدل سکتا ہے

"Sad Urdu quote about habits and detachment on peaceful evening background."
“He made it a habit to talk to me every day. Then that person got busy with his life.”

ڈال کر عادت مجھے روز بات کر نے کی
پھر وہ شخص اپنی زند گی میں مصروف ہو گیا

"Sad Urdu quote on love and life with starry night background."
“Life was going on peacefully, and then, out of nowhere, love came.”

پرسکون سی چل رہی تھی زندگی
اور پھر نہ جا نے یا عشق کہا سے آ گیا

"Sad Urdu quote on life’s journey with sunset and tree background."
“Life had just taken a turn, and then I couldn’t find my way back home.”

بس ایک موڑ مڑ گیا تھا زندگی میں
پھر نہ راستہ ملا نہ گھر آیا

"Sad Urdu quote on love and loneliness with a gloomy background."
“This is the place where your love has brought and left me. All my life will be spent in vain.”

یہ جس جگہ تیری محبت نے لا کر چھوڑا ہے
ساری زندگی لو ٹنے میں گزر جا ئے گی

"Sad Urdu quote on life and loss with lonely bench background."
“Life also took away from me the people who used to make my life.”

زندگی نے مجھ سے وہ لوگ بھی چھین لیے
جو میری زندگی ہوا کر تے تھے

"Sad Urdu quote about relationships with silhouette near window at sunset."
“It takes time to build yourself, people leave you in moments.”

مدتیں لگتی ہیں اپنا بنا نے میں
لوگ لمحوں میں چھوڑد یتے ہیں

"Sad Urdu quote about resilience with silhouette against a cloudy background."
“I will be filled with the burdens of life, but I will come again. I lost the battle, but I did not lose heart.”

بھر جایئں گے زحم زندگی کے تو آ ؤ ں گا دوبارہ
میں ہار گیا جنگ مگر دل نہیں ہارا

"Sad Urdu quote about life's challenges with silhouette at sunset background."
“Some of life’s tests have to be taken alone, because you can’t always be yourself.”

زندگی کے کچھ امتحان اکیلے بھی د ینے پڑ تے ہیں
کیونکہ ہمیشہ ا پنے بھی ا پنے نہیں ر ہتے

"Sad Urdu quote about life lessons with a tree and bench."
“Every person I met in life taught me a lesson. Everyone turned out to be my teacher.”

زندگی میں جو بھی ملا سبق دے گیا
ہر شخص میرا استاد نکلا

"Sad Urdu quote about empathy with silhouette sitting by the water."
“Don’t sympathize with me, my sympathizers were great sympathizers who gave me a thousand pains.”

ہمدردی نہ کرو مجھ سے میرے ہمدرد
بڑے ہمددر تھے جنہوں نے درد ہزار د یے

"Sad Urdu quote about life's journey with a pensive man sitting."
“How is this journey? Life is alive but not life.”

کیسا ہے یہ سفر زندگی زندہ ہیں پر زندگی نہیں

"Sad Urdu quote about regrets with silhouette by water at sunset."
“I hate my past, I am ashamed of my vain desires.”

ا پنے گزرے ہو ئے آیام سے نفرت ہے
مجھے اپنی بیکار تمناؤں پہ شرمندہ ہوں میں

"Sad Urdu quote about fate with silhouettes of two people at sunset."
“Life collided with what was not in my destiny”

جو قسمت میں نہیں تھا زندگی اسی سے ٹکرا گئی





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